Children at this age are expanding their world by developing their communication, thinking, and reasoning skills. Our classroom is full of natural, hands-on, and thought-provoking material.

Children are in an environment that encourages them to choose the type of play that interests them and which will also help them develop their own learning style. While each child participates in individual areas of purposeful play, our teachers observe and document the individual children and the dynamic of the classroom. The teachers are then able to set up individual and group lessons based on each child’s stage of development and interests. It is fascinating to observe that when children are involved in purposeful play, they are not aware that they are developing skills in communication, reading (connecting letters and sounds), and math. Allowing children to have plenty of time to complete tasks and to give them ample opportunity to express themselves helps to effectively and successfully develop their potential, stimulate their curiosity, and boost their feelings of self-worth and confidence not only in the classroom but beyond, for the life that awaits them.